A Woman in Her 40s


A woman in her forties doesn’t just shine; she begins to glow.

She stops pining after status symbols or seeks validation from those who don’t respect her. Instead, she allows her inner glow to emerge.

In your forties, you start to see the fruits of your past hard work, and you begin to de-stress. You realize it’s better to stay with those who give you countless reasons to keep going, rather than chasing after the person with thousands of followers.

When someone insults you on WhatsApp in your forties, you simply delete the messages and respond with indifference, rather than stooping to their level. You’re adorned with beauty, grace, and strength, and your glow shines through every pore.

Not every woman in her forties reaches this point—some continue to chase status symbols and seek validation. Even accomplished women in their thirties will only truly achieve this glow when they reach their forties.

A woman who reaches this stage is like a snake shedding its old skin. It’s an organic process of allowing yourself to be, welcoming the right people into your life, and seeing your business ideas connect with the right opportunities.

Your sense of self is forged from years of prayer, tears, faith, and finally, letting go. Those peers who never greeted you until you greeted them first, simply drift away, and you watch with satisfaction as they fade from your life.

And when you unfollow certain people on social media, your physical reconnections become deeper and more meaningful, with conversations that are heartfelt, not ego-driven.

Not every woman in her forties realizes this; some still define themselves by their titles and, without them, become desperate for the superficial, like many others.

I’ve learned that sitting in the front pew every Sunday doesn’t guarantee blessings—I did that for years. I know that spending an extra ten minutes truly listening to someone is sometimes more valuable than posting quotes on WhatsApp.

As I approach my 48th birthday, my plans aren’t about how I want others to celebrate me, but how I want to celebrate myself.


Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva,
47, soon to be 48…106.